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Physician Profile

Dr. Joseph Marquez

Dr. Joseph Marquez

Dr. Marquez has specialized in urologic and prostate care for 15+ years. He's the only Greenlight PVP prostatectomy Center of Excellence in the region and the first WA provider to use the Artemis robotic-assisted MRI fusion biopsy of the prostate with 1k+ biopsies done. An expert in Cryotherapy, he has a strong network of consultants for other prostate cancer treatments. He performs REZUM, Urolift, Aquablation therapy, Precision Point Transperineal Prostate biopsy and offers nitrous oxide for in office procedures to reduce pain and anxiety.

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Medical School:



University of Minnesota


Optum West (The Polyclinic) Seattle, WA

Seattle, WA

904 7th Ave
Seattle, WA 98104
United States

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