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Physician Profile

Dr. Jay Sulek

Dr. Jay Sulek

A practicing urologist since 2018 Dr. Jay Sulek was born in Hagerstown, MD, and completed his B.A. in English at Yale University. He attended the University of Maryland School of Medicine, in Baltimore, for his Medical Degree and began his general surgery internship at the Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Sulek continued at VCU to finish his urology residency where he received the Resident Achievement Award from the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons. He completed his Fellowship in Minimally Invasive Urology at the Indiana University Medical Center in the summer of 2018 and joined Urology Associates, P.C., in August of 2018. Dr. Sulek has been involved in over 10 publications and abstracts and received the Top In-Service Award in 2016.

Medical School:

University of Maryland School of Medicine


Virginia Commonwealth University


Indiana University Medical Center


Yale University


Urology Associates

Mt. Juliet, Tennessee

77 Belinda Parkway, Suite 102
Mt. Juliet, Tennessee 37122
United States

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