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Physician Profile

Dr. Carrington Mason

Dr. Carrington Mason

Dr. Mason has been practicing Urology since 1997 having trained at the LSU/Ochsner Clinic combined residency training program in New Orleans, Louisiana. Following a rewarding practice of 21 years at Methodist Medical Center in Dallas, he and his wife Kari relocated to Vero Beach and the Cleveland Clinic. Men's health and female pelvic reconstruction are focal to the Vero Beach practice and Aquablation is a major practice focus.

Medical School:

University of North Texas, Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine


LSU/Ochsner Clinic combined Urology residency training program


The University of Texas


Cleveland Clinic Urology

Vero Beach, Florida

3450 11th Court
Vero Beach, Florida 32960
United States

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